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Coste di Baone


Duration in hours
Distance in km
Suggested period

With its rocky slope and hillsides covered in olive groves Monte Baone is a landmark of Garda Trentino. From here there is an absolutely spectacular view over the entire  area.

Arco has an extraordnary microclimate with agave and prickly pear thriving on limestone slabs, so that on crisp winter days there is a unique blend of Mediterranean vegetation against snow-capped Monte Baldo and the sunshine shimmering on the waters of Lake Garda.

The olive groves are an essential part of the Garda Trentino landscape and this trail is easy and suited to families with children who can have fun watching all the climbers in action on the Placche di Baone crag.

There is a fabulous view over the entire Garda Trentino area from Rochetta to Monte Baldo, stretching across the glittering waters of Lake Garda.

An easy trail suited to all, this is however a hiking trail and it requires the ability to walk on rough terrain. Some stretches run along the upper perimeter of the slabs so be careful to stay on the path

Further information and useful links

For more information on routes, services (guides, mountain huts, shops etc.) and hiking friendly accommodation: Garda Trentino - +39 0464 554444 

Route info
Route number
4,9 km
2 h 00 min
Altitude difference (+)
230 m
Altitude difference (-)
214 m
Physical effort
Highest point
280 m
Lowest point
118 m

After the hike, walk up to the Castle of Arco for a visit through its walls.

Safety guidelines

Safety Tips

  1. Choose itineraries that suit your physical and technical abilities. Collect information about the area you are visiting and the trail’s conditions and get a detailed trekking map.
  2. Wear clothes and take equipment that suit the difficulty and length of your tour. Keep emergency gear in your rucksack, including first aid supplies.
  3. Do not go walking alone in the mountains. In any case, tell someone where you are going and report back on returning.
  4. Look at the weather forecast before setting off and always keep an eye on the weather.
  5. In case of doubt, go back. It is better to give up than risk bad weather or face difficulties beyond your strength, ability and equipment.
  6. Do not leave marked paths and do not take shortcuts.
  7. All described walks are in a natural environment and therefore their use is at your own risk.

This information is subject to inevitable variations, so none of these indications are absolute. It is not entirely possible to avoid giving inexact or imprecise information, given how quickly environmental and weather conditions can change. For this reason, we decline any responsibility for changes which the user may encounter. In any case, it is advisable to check environment and weather conditions before setting out.

Punto di partenza
Parcheggio al Calvario - Arco

This is a 5 km loop that starts from the “al Calvario” car park at the beginning of the road which heads up from Arco to Laghel. The first stretch of the trail crosses the Fontanelle olive groves, then runs beneath the sheer rock walls of “Bus de la Stria” as far as the Placche del Baone slabs.

The path proceeds along the side of the rocky slopy and a short, steeper stretch takes you to the top, while the view opens out over the entire Garda Trentino area. When you get to Sorgenti di Moline, head back towards Arco through the Romarzolo olive grove, passing the base of the Placche di Baone.

public transportation

The main towns in Garda Trentino - Riva del Garda, Arco, Torbole sul Garda, Nago – are connected by several urban and intercity bus lines which will take you to the starting point of tours or in the immediate surroundings.

You can also get to Riva del Garda and Torbole sul Garda by the public ferry service.

Up-to-date information on timetables and routes.


How to get there

From the centre of Arco follow the sings to the castle car park. 

Find out how to reach Garda Trentino.



Where to park

Parking at the castle of Arco, near the start of the route. Alternatively free parking in Caneve (5 min. walk from the town centre).

More Pay parking: Foro Boario parking, via Caproni Maini (Car park near the bridge), Post office (Via Monache).

Bergtouren verlangen spezielle Kleidung und Ausrüstung. Auch auf eher kurzen und einfachen Wanderungen solltest du immer alles Notwendige dabeihaben, um keine unangenehmen Überraschungen zu erleben und für den Fall der Fälle, zum Beispiel plötzliche Gewitter oder ein abruptes Formtief, vorbereitet zu sein.

Was du auf Trekkingtouren in den Bergen auf jeden Fall dabeihaben solltest?

In den Rucksack gehören (für Eintagestouren empfiehlt sich normalerweise ein Rucksack mit 25-30 Liter Stauraum):

  • Trinkflasche (1 l)
  • Proviant (zum Beispiel energiereiche Snacks wie Trockenfrüchte oder Schokolade)
  • Erste-Hilfe-Set
  • Windjacke
  • Fleecepulli
  • T-Shirt und Socken zum Wechseln (am besten in einem Plastikbeutel verpackt)
  • eine lange Hose (diese solltest du zumindest im Rucksack dabei haben)
  • Mütze
  • Sonnencreme
  • Sonnenbrille
  • Handschuhe
  • Notfall-Pfeife


Zum Weg und zur Jahreszeit passendes Schuhwerk. Viele der Wege sind uneben und holprig. Die Schuhe sollten daher über den Knöchel reichen, um guten Halt zu bieten und vor Zerrungen und Verstauchungen zu schützen. Gerade Grashänge, Felsplatten oder steile Wege können ohne passendes Schuhwerk bei Nässe schnell zu gefährlichen Rutschflächen werden.

Und natürlich nicht zu vergessen... Eine Fotokamera, mit der du deine Tour auf Bildern verewigen. So kannst du das einmalige Panorama, das du in jedem Winkel des Garda Trentino genießen kannst, auch als Souvenir mit nach Hause nehmen. Wenn du deine Erinnerungen mit uns teilen möchtest: Hashtag #GardaTrentino.

Die Notrufnummer ist 112.

  • Garda Guest Card
Castello di Arco
Arboreto di Arco
Temporary closed
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